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Heathers The Musical:
Content Warnings

This production uses haze, fog, strobe lights, loud noises including simulated gunshots/explosions. 


This production contains strong language, homophobic language, derogatory language, mature themes such as sex, abuse, sexual violence, physical violence, gun violence, body shaming, references to eating disorders, vomit, murder, and suicide. 


Recommended for ages 14+. 




The company of MUSKET’S Heathers has compiled and provides resources to work to end violence in schools, homes, and to address and further the work of sexual assault and abuse prevention. 


The Michigan Youth Violence Prevention Center (MI-YVPC) is part of the Prevention Research Collaborative at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. The MI-YVPC is one of five National Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Established in 2010, the MI-YVPC brings together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to prevent youth violence. We foster relationships with local community partners to develop, implement, and build evidence for promising prevention initiatives.






The goal of End Gun Violence Michigan is to pass common sense gun violence prevention laws in Michigan that will save lives. 






STRYVE is a national initiative led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to prevent youth violence.






The Love Is Not Abuse (LINA) Coalition is a growing national grassroots coalition of parents, teachers and ANYONE advocating for teen dating abuse education in every middle school and high school in the country.






The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance) is working with more than 250 national partners from the public and private sectors to advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (National Strategy). The Action Alliance is currently focusing on three priority areas, selected from the National Strategy, based on their potential to save lives: transforming health systems, transforming communities, and changing the conversation.






SAPAC addresses sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, and sexual and gender-based harassment on campus in a multitude of ways. We offer prevention education for students, confidential support for survivors (students, faculty, and staff), and partnerships with other offices to offer training, programs, and innovative community engagement strategies that strive to collectively create a campus free from violence. The Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center offers prevention education for students, confidential support for survivors (students, faculty, and staff), and collaborates with other offices to offer trainings, programs, and innovative community engagement strategies to collectively create a campus free from violence.






Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides confidential psychological services and other resources for currently enrolled U-M undergraduate and graduate students

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